You've Had Cancer... More Than Once

Alex Koyfman

Posted May 15, 2015

You’ve had cancer… more than once.

In fact, chances are you have not only had cancer hundreds or even thousands of times over the course of your life, but you also probably have it now.

Before you freak out and call your doctor (or punch a hole in the computer screen out of anger that I’m telling you a fib worthy of the lowest rung of damnation), hear me out…

You see, cancer cells, which are mutant version of natural tissue cells (be they skin cells, liver cells, lung cells, or even brain cells), are produced by your body either after exposure to carcinogens or randomly during routine cell division on a regular basis.


However, for cancer to develop to the point where there is a tumor — or worse yet, metastatic spread to other tissues in the body — that initial cancer cell needs to divide over and over again.

In a vast majority of cases, the cancer cells don’t survive more than a few divisions and never come close to being detected or threatening the body.

The reason is the most amazing and effective piece of biotechnology ever created…

Your own immune system.

Nature Knows Best

Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are produced in your bone marrow for one purpose: to attack foreign objects, including cells that have mutated into deadly, malfunctioning cancer-carriers.

Pictured below is one type of white blood cell suspended in plasma along with the far more numerous, oxygen-bearing erythrocytes, or red blood cells. 


Having had billions of years to evolve, it shouldn’t be a surprise that your natural defense system does a better job of killing off cancer than any man-made technology.

So why do people still get cancer?

Well, occasionally, those mutated cancer cells become invisible to your leukocytes and slip through the cracks of what is otherwise a very effective defensive mechanism, and the process of tumorigenesis begins.

The reason behind this is still a mystery.

Genetics plays a major role, of course, as does the sheer magnitude of exposure to carcinogenic substances like cigarette smoke or asbestos (people who smoke more or spend more time inhaling deadly asbestos tend to get cancer at much higher rates), but the actual mechanism behind this deadly metamorphosis still is not clear.

But what if there were a way to reverse this process? What if there were a technique for reflagging cancer cells that have mutated this leukocyte “camouflage”?

It would make current cancer treatment methods such as chemo or radiation therapy completely obsolete.

Indeed, it would be the definition of a cure… a vaccine for one of mankind’s most feared and deadly family of diseases.

Curing Cancer By Augmenting Immuno-Response

Well, the good news is that this medical breakthrough may not be that far away at all.

A small group of brilliant researchers working closely with the University of British Columbia have come very close to understanding exactly how cancer cells are able to masquerade as healthy tissue cells… and to reversing that process.

I don’t need to explain to you the implications this may have for medical science and for millions of cancer sufferers worldwide.

Non-invasive, effective, and even precautionary in nature (the resulting therapy may well become a treatment not unlike polio or flu shots), the technique being developed right now has the realistic potential to wipe out cancer forever.

But yes, there’s a catch… There always is.

Risk = Opportunity in Disguise

The company working to develop the miracle cure is in its earliest stages of development.

Still a year from FDA trials, its experimental methods are only being tested on mice at the moment.

Before long, however, this will advance to human testing and, hopefully, to a commercial release of the most important pharmaceutical developed in at least half a century.

Is success guaranteed? No, it’s not, but it is probable, and those with the foresight to take a chance this early in the game will certainly walk away with a windfall — not to mention the feeling of contributing to a groundbreaking scientific achievement.

Risk? Yes. Potential reward? Even greater.

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The stories will inspire you, but the companies behind them will make you stop and think.

Get instant, free access to this report by clicking here, and prepare to see the world in a whole new way.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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